In Spain, many unemployed people lack the skills needed to access jobs related to the digital economy.

At the same time, youth unemployment continues to be a critical challenge, especially for women. For this reason, has launched a public call to address this gap, offering these groups the chance to reinvent themselves professionally. Support is sought for the planning, execution, monitoring, and justification of a training programme aimed at equipping unemployed people across Spain with digital skills through courses in Big Data, cybersecurity, and Cloud.

Barrabé, in partnership (UTE) with The Valley Digital School, proposed a successful solution, enabling them to manage three of the contracts to reach different regions of Spain and train different target audiences: one group focused on young people and the other on adults. For the first population segment, a campaign was launched under the title Hack Your Future; in the second case, the campaign was called Update Programme. The team worked in parallel on two strategies involving training management and the delivery of technology courses and career guidance.

For this purpose, a quarterly planning framework was implemented, coordinated with the communication and marketing team to identify the target audiences to be reached and to prepare all necessary materials for both dissemination and the training itself. Each course consisted of 250 hours, with a focus on women and on job placement.

250-hour courses focused on women and job placement.

To ensure the success of this project, teamwork was key, with multidisciplinary profiles capable of delivering quarterly plans, managing communications and student recruitment, handling admissions to the programmes, finding and securing venues and materials for course delivery (80% in-person), preparing training and outreach materials, executing the training and career guidance programme, achieving job placement objectives through partnerships with companies and recruiters across the country, organising job fairs and employment forums, reporting, certification, etc.

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Consultora estratégica de innovación y negocio que te ayuda a afrontar tus retos para activar soluciones.


Paseo de Recoletos, 27, 2ª planta
28004. Madrid, España.

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