Renfe, through TrenLab, its instrument of collaboration with startups, launched a challenge that went beyond the search for entrepreneurial talent to carry out pilots: to help the main railway operator in Spain to give a boost to innovation as a transversal axis for the entire organisation. At Barrabé we accepted the challenge, proposing three lines of action articulated by a multidisciplinary team that allowed us to accelerate (programmes with startups), inspire (innovative culture workshops for Renfe employees) and explore (development of new business, venture builder model).
After two years of work, Renfe consolidated its position as a leading company in railway innovation thanks to the development of pilots and collaboration agreements with start-ups valued at more than 4 million euros. And it launched a process to raise awareness of innovation through training and learning communities.
We faced a major challenge in logistics, team organisation, and participant recruitment, which paid off with successful hackathons that generated excellent solution ideas for the proposed challenges.
Consultora estratégica de innovación y negocio que te ayuda a afrontar tus retos para activar soluciones.